FIZA, a.s.
Hrozňatova 3
615 00 Brno

Company ID: 26252325
TIN: CZ26252325

tel./fax: 548 226 253 Registered office
Contact us


We are an auditing and consulting company. We pride ourselves on the comprehensiveness and accuracy of our services, which are continuously enhanced with the latest knowledge. We also co-operate with expert institutes and individual experts specialising in the field so that we can understand you perfectly and offer a professional and beneficial solution.

Corporate culture

The approach to satisfying demand has been and will continue to be selected in line with the maximum efforts to ensure customer satisfaction. We attempt to make a client a partner for life. Each job output is based on elaborating the client's wish expressed in a concise form in the related contract. The company always works on the assumption that the wish of each serious client is to receive a professionally correct, responsible and true job output that can consequently help to spread good news about its own company or a company controlled by the client.

Our basic strategy is to provide fully professional job output bringing the client at least the same value it expects.

Emphasis is placed in particular on:

  • Performance and flexibility
  • Ability to solve badly structured problems
  • Availability of necessary reserves, in terms of both time and finances
  • The manner of pricing equivalent to the solving of a problem of a non-structured nature and the risk factor born by the SBU along with the client
  • Maximum use of modern communication methods and computer technology in solving a task
  • Teamwork
  • Highly qualified individual team members
  • The use of all innovations and consequently the application of knowledge resulting from the solved job in further innovations