FIZA, a.s.
Hrozňatova 3
615 00 Brno

Company ID: 26252325
TIN: CZ26252325

tel./fax: 548 226 253 Registered office
Contact us


We are an auditing and consulting company. We pride ourselves on the comprehensiveness and accuracy of our services, which are continuously enhanced with the latest knowledge. We also co-operate with expert institutes and individual experts specialising in the field so that we can understand you perfectly and offer a professional and beneficial solution.

Training and lecturing

We pass on all our knowledge and can organise training sessions focused on various topics falling within the scope of strategy, management, accounting, etc.

The auditor managing the company has been involved, among others, in lecturing and works as a tutor at the Brno International Business School, a.s. (B.I.B.S., a.s.), whose study programs are validated by The Nottingham Trent University from Great Britain. He lectures within both the prestigious MBA studies and within the follow-up MSc and BA (Hons) fields of study.

Within this area of provided services, lectures are given on the following subjects:

  • Strategies
  • Enterprise development
  • Marketing
  • IFRS (formerly IAS – International Accounting Standards), US GAAP and also seminars in all the above-mentioned areas of the company's subject of business